Im ersten Rennen erzielte Tom Sykes einen dritten Platz und sicherte sich damit bereits den Weltmeistertitel. Aber auch nach Übergabe der Trophäe lag noch ein 21 Runden-Rennen vor ihm, das er als zweiter beendete, wobei er 13 Runden führte.
Tom Sykes stellte mit einer Zeit von 1:41.691 außerdem einen Streckenrekord für Jerez auf.
In 2012 verfehlte Tom Sykes den Titel nur knapp um einen halben Punkt. In der Saison 2013 erzielte Tom Sykes neun Rennsiege, 18 Podiumsplätze, acht Pole Positions und 13 schnellste Runden.
Loris Baz (Kawasaki Racing Team) erzielte Platz acht in der Weltmeisterschaft.
Tom Sykes: “Words cannot describe how I feel. I am very level headed but since Magny Cours there are moments where my mind started dreaming. When I was dreaming I had goose bumps and it was magical to even dream I could be world champion. But that was maybe 2% of what I am feeling now after winning the title. In race two it was my intention to do well, even though it would be difficult to top race one as all my energy had kind of gone after the first one. I hoped to be closer to the front but I did not expect to win. I think this was just Eugene’s race, although my Ninja ZX-10R was working very well.
All things considered I have to be very happy today. World Champion, podium in the races and it has been an absolute pleasure to race with these guys this year. It was good for the championship that it got decided at the final round again, especially at this beautiful circuit, with these great fans. My team is mostly Spanish so it is a home round for them. The championship win has not fully sunk in yet but it will do soon, I’m sure.”